Monday, February 25, 2008

Mew! It's a new day with the sun up high!

Hiya everyone (Thought that wouldn't be many since I have only been to a few blogs and if you are reading this then I thank you =^-^= -Hugs everyone that is reading-) To state something simple, I'm not shy, I just don't want to seem like a Rouge wandering in on other peoples blogs xD I guess you could say I am sorta shy, I'm just, well Shyish to new people and if you don't know me and I pop in on your blog then the odds are that my mother reads your blog so I am following her in my ways to meet new bloggers! Anyway today was a good day for me, School went well except for Ms. A (Drama Student Teacher, BLAH!) had to be in a bad mood and be rude, Oh and a sub in second period, but My friend and I spent that period in the school library =^-^=

After school today Mother took me to the Thrift store and I found two Darling presents for my Grandparents! First off I will start with my Grandpa's present, it is a little sail boat with a painting on it (Good for two reasons! He is a painter and he used to work on a boat!)
Isn't it cute? Here is a close up of the painting on it <3
Ignore the stuff in the background xD and here is a picture of what I got for my Grandma, she used to have a set like this but she sold it and now I want to get it back for her. It is so cute! I think it is like a cut coaster but hand made.
And here is a close up of Grandma's present!
I have also decided to do a Room a Week deal! Okay this is just my way of warming up to the blogging community, Every Friday of every week I will take a picture of somewhere in my house or somewhere interesting I have been =^-^= So on Fridays expect a room! Also I'm sorry that I post late in the day, I am not a morning person and Since I have school it gets harder, plus this way I get to tell you about my day xD Now I have to go and Hunt, I'm famished!

This is Mossheart Signing off! ~Mew~

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hi Amanda,
Thanks for visiting my blog! Welcome to blogland. Love the presents you got for your grandparents -- so cute!

Have a wonderful week!