Hiya everyone (Thought that wouldn't be many since I have only been to a few blogs and if you are reading this then I thank you =^-^= -Hugs everyone that is reading-) To state something simple, I'm not shy, I just don't want to seem like a Rouge wandering in on other peoples blogs xD I guess you could say I am sorta shy, I'm just, well Shyish to new people and if you don't know me and I pop in on your blog then the odds are that my mother reads your blog so I am following her in my ways to meet new bloggers! Anyway today was a good day for me, School went well except for Ms. A (Drama Student Teacher, BLAH!) had to be in a bad mood and be rude, Oh and a sub in second period, but My friend and I spent that period in the school library =^-^=After school today Mother took me to the Thrift store and I found two Darling presents for my Grandparents! First off I will start with my Grandpa's present, it is a little sail boat with a painting on it (Good for two reasons! He is a painter and he used to work on a boat!)
Isn't it cute? Here is a close up of the painting on it <3
Ignore the stuff in the background xD and here is a picture of what I got for my Grandma, she used to have a set like this but she sold it and now I want to get it back for her. It is so cute! I think it is like a cut coaster but hand made.
And here is a close up of Grandma's present!
I have also decided to do a Room a Week deal! Okay this is just my way of warming up to the blogging community, Every Friday of every week I will take a picture of somewhere in my house or somewhere interesting I have been =^-^= So on Fridays expect a room! Also I'm sorry that I post late in the day, I am not a morning person and Since I have school it gets harder, plus this way I get to tell you about my day xD Now I have to go and Hunt, I'm famished!This is Mossheart Signing off! ~Mew~
Hiya =^-^= My name is Mossheart! Okay so you know that is my username, well Fine, My real name is Amanda. Don't be fooled by the Two-leg name, inside I am a true warrior! Now before I go into confusing you and making you run away from my Blog I have to say this, I am a huge Warriors fan. . . . The book series by Erin Hunter that is! If you haven't read it and have some time on your hands (Enough time to read 15 books) then you should read it! Anyway back to the big idea of this post. As you can see I am new here and, well, I'm a fox-length away from where I should be. Oh snap! I'm so mouse-brained! I forgot to tell you my age and, well, about me! Once again I am Mossheart, I'm 160 moons old (13 in Two-leg years, FYI Two-legs are humans) and I'm female, Dur xD. A lot of the time you will see me put up xD or =^-^= they are just smilies and sometimes I will put words like if I am doing something like this -Waits to see if you get the point-. Are you still a tad foggy on who I am, well here's a HUGE hint, have you heard of the Blog Lizette Gasette? Well if you have then you may know who I am! I am Elizabeth's Daughter! This is when you all gasp xD On the base of this subject I will say I live in Tucson, Arizona and boy oh boy is it hot here xP Tho' this is my true house, I really live in the forest protecting my clan and living my rights to the warrior code! Its okay if I am creeping you out, I do this to many people xD Oh and if you like good spelling then you should walk away, cuz' I suck at spelling!Okay I know lots of people since my mother still reads blogs, she just can't post cuz' her MS is getting to her a lot. Anyso, I trust you all with a picture of me, so here you are!
Why are you looking at me like that? Oh I get it you want a Two-leg picture of me? Well fine, be that way! >-> Here you go. . . . . .
Yes thats me, and my big Baby Dexter. Okay I don't own a cat since my Dad can't stand one, but I go to a shelter every weekend and help take care of them and that is Dexter. He had a muscle problem in is back right leg causing him to limp, he also had Kidney failure (I believe that's what it's called) but he was a lover <3